Monday, December 18, 2006


Here we are...the week of JOY! Hmmmmm. My Monday morning is starting off a little "less than joyful" except that, JOY does not depend on circumstances. And so from that perspective, I can still be full of JOY inside, although there is bits of chaos around me. My baby girl didn't sleep well at all, which is not entirely uncommon, but nonetheless, makes for difficult mornings. My daughter slept well, yet is still grumpy this morning--hmmmm, could this just be her "new" self? Seems to be happening all too frequently these days. Also makes for difficult doesn't want to apply herself to school lessons. Sure we do fun stuff, and she loves science or social studies, but the 3 Rs, are crucial, and it is these she fights. And then there is my middle child--my dear little son. He is at odds today because his sister doesn't want to play with him. And this is understandable, as she is 3 years older--and playing "cars" is simply not an inviting option for a nearly-8-yr-old girl! And I sit here, hoping to write a peaceful speak of twinkling Christmas lights, or the scent of cranberry wafting through the air...Christmas music filling our home (soon!)...but this is simply not the atmosphere here. Yet.

So the hope of peace here, of lessons learned at schoolwork, of Christmasy atmosphere enveloping us...of a good nap for my baby...these things might inspire JOY within me. Even though they are not yet achieved. But truly, the JOY comes whether my hopes are fulfilled today or not. For there is JOY in having children about my feet--children who are healthy and largely, happy. There is JOY in owning enough clothes to have overflowing laundry...there is JOY in the anticipation of some light Christmas baking to be done today...there is JOY simply because, this is the Season of JOY, as we look forward to celebrating the birth of Christ.

Today, I will turn on the cheery music, light the candles, prudently work on laundry, patiently break up the quarrels, work on school with my daughter, and happily bake my recipes. And I will spread JOY throughout my home. (Even though I cannot go back to bed. Which I really want to do!)

And I will go now, and make start it all off. Perhaps my holiday blend--whole leaf black tea with citrus and cinnamon lacing it. And a dash of milk...poured into a favorite Christmas mug. The red one, with a candy-cane striped handle, and the jolly snowman smiling on its front.

Blessings! (And JOY).

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