Thursday, April 30, 2009

Austen on the mind...

Jane.  Oh, how I adore her books-turned-into-movies!  And frankly, I've only read parts of the books themselves.  Yet, I want to read.them.all!  I want to be part of a "Jane Austen Book Club"...given the time period in which Jane lived and wrote, her books are quite incredible.  Scandalously exposing hidden rules of etiquette...showing society's rather unflattering tendencies towards extreme discrimination of all kinds...and yet the romance woven through her stories makes one wonder what her own heart held dear.  "Becoming Jane" was an enjoyable movie, casting light on Jane, herself.

Amazingly, her books remain relevant...the parallels between my culture and hers may be closer than I would think...the elements of culture may not be so changed as I might assume.  A woman's heart may be a deep ocean of secrets (Titanic), and at the same time, the secrets may be shared by all of us who call ourselves "female"--and proudly so!

Ahhhhh.  Austen inspires me to read.  To explore.  To head off to Starbucks for a monthly "book club" meeting, with the current read in hand.  Except...that...I'm not actually "in" a book club.  One can wish. :)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hot Cross Buns

This year, on Easter weekend, I made "Hot Cross Buns"; something I've desired to do for many years, but oddly enough, have never done! I made my icing a bit runny, so the "cross" on the buns didn't work well--they ended up being "glazed" buns. But everyone loved them. So much, in fact, that I made a 2nd batch a day later. Then, in a stroke of genius, I made a 3rd batch later in the week--but that time--I rolled the dough out, spread it with butter, sprinkled it with cinnamon/sugar, and rolled it up like cinnamon rolls. They were wonderful; lightly sweet, but not overwhelmingly so.

I use the "dough" cycle on my bread machine for this recipe.

3/4 c milk
2 eggs
3 T butter
1/4 c sugar
1/2 t salt
1 t cinnamon
3 c unbleached flour
1 1/2 t yeast

My machine calls for the above order. Run dough cycle. When dough cycle ends, pull dough from machine, knead lightly, and let dough rest for 10 minutes. Roll out for cinnamon rolls -OR- cut dough into 12 pieces. Shape each piece into a ball and place in greased baking dish. Cover and let rise until doubled or for about 35 minutes. Bake in preheated oven (350) for 20-25 minutes.

While still hot, mix together 1 c powdered sugar, 1/2 t vanilla, 1/2 t (or more) cinnamon, and 1 T milk to create a glaze. Pour or spread over hot rolls (or over cinnamon rolls). Mmmm-mmmm!

(These can have raisins added, but since my 2 guys don't like raisins, I left them out).

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Holy Week

“God doesn't give you the people you want, He gives you the people you NEED - To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you into the person you were meant to be.”

So many times throughout this past week, I’ve been reminded of my own faults, flaws, sins…all that which I am so tempted to point out in others. It is easy to judge, to think that I have a little more figured out than those around me. But as I’ve looked towards the Cross…pondering His death, it is clear that He died for me and my sins, just as for those of the world around me. He gently reminds me that I’m not perfect after all; that I see with human eyes, and I see outward appearances (I’m not referring to physical attributes of a person, but rather, “the way things appear” circumstantially). I have only “my” side when I view people and situations. I cannot see their hearts, I cannot see their lives. And I have not walked a mile in their shoes.

I hate being judged, and there have been many times that others have judged me. I have felt it, seen it, heard it. So it seems that I would be slow to judge others. To my dismay, this is not always the case! And so I need a Savior as badly as anyone…I need forgiveness, grace. I need The Cross.

And then, there are times I need a paradigm shift. There are times I need to see with the eyes of Jesus. There are times I need to realize that maybe I am the one who is flawed, and not always those around me! Holy Week, leading up to Easter, is a perfect time to reflect on these things. To seek forgiveness from Our Father, and reconcile with one another, and with The Cross. It is a good time to ask Jesus for His mercy, His compassion, and for His eyes to see with.