Friday, January 5, 2007

Overcast Friday...

This morning, glancing out the window just as daylight was arriving, I saw that it was going to be the perfect “soup day”. But what kind, what kind? I found beef in broth, frozen, from a roast made some time back. Perfect to use for dinner, along with “just enough” frozen veggies remaining in a bag. Add a jar of my home-canned, stewed tomatoes…I had all I needed on hand. Boy, I wish my dinner plans were always “that” easy! (For 2 years, I’ve resolved to do menu planning, and tried various systems…bottom line? Nothing has stuck yet. But I’m still tryin’) I also found a new recipe for “perfect” brownies to try…I cut ‘em really small, but I’ve already had 2. They’re really, really good. I’ll probably post the recipe today or tomorrow. It’s worth sharing!

And so, it is early evening…we have gray skies; the air is cold and crisp with a stiff breeze. We haven’t seen the sun today, and this morning, we had drizzly winter rain falling for a time. I love days like this—perfect for a loaf of bread, freshly baked; a pot of soup simmering on the stove; and a pan of home-made brownies, still warm from the oven. A cozy candle burns in the kitchen, adding another light layer of scent. Mmmmm, cranberry!

No, my days do not always flow smoothly…but today, despite a very fussy baby, things have rolled along without much difficulty. Until I sat down to blog, that is. LOL. I paint a peaceful picture…and for a few moments, the scene is as I paint it to be. But those blessed moments do not last. And dinner is, sometimes, PB & J sandwiches. Or (gasp!) a bowl of cold cereal. And then I resolve to do better, the next day.

My husband called; he’s late again, getting off work. Every day this week, he’s been at least an hour late coming home—the next shift people don’t come on time…his boss adds to an already full “to-do” list…various reasons. All amounting to, a tired Daddy and a tired Mama. And split-up mealtimes. But my husband will be happy to come home to some brownies, at least—I hope! And likely, a bowl of warm and hearty soup along with a thick slice of bread will hit the spot as well. Praise God that today, I was able to put together a meal worth coming home to!!!

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