Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Has it really been so long since I have written a blog post? Indeed, it has. I barely have time to check email...jump on Facebook for a moment, and glance through my Google Reader list to see if any blog titles are relevant. Within a few moments, a child needs me, a nursing baby needs me, laundry calls, dishes await, or it's time to make lunch or start dinner. Late at night, when my house is finally quiet, I'm too tired to type. Or I have those emails to return. Or a sleeping baby wakes. If I'm lucky, my husband and I have an hour or two we can spend together a couple evenings a week. So life overtakes blogging, as it should. Living must come before writing about living, right? Not to forget, homeschooling! And so, my blog waits for me...because life will not.

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