Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A little bit of life, a few links

It started out simply enough. I logged onto my (pink Dell!!) laptop, just as I do most morning…sipping my cup of tea, savoring a few moments of quiet. (Before the baby wakes and after one quick argument between my other children…lol). Then I catch a glimpse of the “new recipes” from Simply Recipes RSS feed. Well here in Kansas, the typical Summer heat and humidity have set in full force, after a blessedly cool and rainy Spring. I don’t even like to step onto my porch to get my mail when it’s this humid and hot. (I’m a cool weather, rainy-day-lovin’ kind of gal; I really do NOT know what I’m doing, living in Kansas. But as my younger brother says… “it’s a black hole that sucks you in and you can’t escape it” --he’s referring to our hometown in Kansas, by the way. But I must admit, it’s a great place to raise a family, and that’s what I’m all about, so, here we are. In Kansas. Enduring the Summertime).
So anyway, I see a recipe for Homemade Limemade posted. Now who wouldn’t LOVE a drink like that when it’s hot outdoors? And let me tell ya, it was refreshing! I happened to have a bowl of key limes to use up, and I keep mint growing out back. Mmmmmmm. I will be buying another bag of limes just to make it!
And then, there was another recipe I hope to try as well. An Almond Berry Crumble to be exact. I wasn’t able to bake it today, but there’s always hope for tomorrow, right?
If you’re interested in “food” blogs, here is a favorite of mine: The Pioneer Woman. She’s a sassy writer, uses great bits of humor and lots of photos in her posts. And her recipes are goooooooood. I’ve already tried several. In fact, most days when Google Reader pops up a new post of hers, I end up dropping everything to try her latest recipe.
Food blogs keep me completely inspired to stay IN the kitchen and make all I can from scratch. There’s a plethora of recipes available on the web from more sources than I’ll ever be able to find! Currently, I’m on a kick to find phyllo dough recipes as I have several sheets left in an opened package to use up. And I’ve found some mouth-watering recipes to try! More sweet than savory, as usual. I do love the challenge of cooking meals which are healthier for our family, and at the same time, are tasty. The dessert is always the easy part!
Yeah, I realize it’s been simply AGES since I’ve posted on here. And even longer since I’ve done any commenting. I don’t even log into my email account which sends my subs and yahoo group subs. No time. I do, however, try to check in at my site and see what’s going on with ya’ll every week or so. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve actually started a new blog post, only to leave it half finished for so many days that I’m no longer interested in writing it!
But life moves on, and despite the heat, we are doing well. Vacation Bible School has come and gone for this summer (my kids LOVE it!), and now they’re taking swimming lessons (lovin’ that too). Then, no more big plans--just kicking back, staying cool, drinking limemade…you get the picture. Overall I notice diminished activity on several favorite blogs; I know I’m not the only one who remains busy at home. Our precious 4th child has really changed our time management! But she’s so worth it, as they all are.

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