Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The pictures are haunting; mostly taken from afar, rarely posed. He’s on a skateboard, a messenger bag tossed casually over his shoulder. Walking down the street pushing a stroller, sporting the “grunge” look. His baby girl smiling while riding on his shoulders. A couple of posed shots in which his arm is around the baby girl’s mother. Another with his hand linked through hers. They say he was friendly, down-to-earth, humble, polite, kind...on and on they go, speaking of him, sharing their stories, however insignificant. Offering a tribute. Sometimes, the words are spoken by someone famous, whose opinions matter in just the right circles.

Dead at 28, cause yet unknown, although an educated guess could easily be offered. He died alone, in what was reportedly an unfurnished luxury apartment. Except for a “shrine” to his little girl, who no longer lived with him. And he reportedly, couldn’t recover from that loss. Although the loss may have been his own doing. Rumors abound on both sides, yet the truth most likely lies somewhere in the middle. Still, he seemingly spoiled her when she visited, and adored her. He found meaning to life because of her, he once said in an interview.

A tragedy; one that hangs heavily in my mind. Simply because, this man’s eternity has begun already. Whatever it is, Heaven or has begun. His chances in life, his time on earth, all over. Finished. Nothing more he can do. His days ran out, just as all of our days will run out. He can’t help his daughter, his girlfriend, or himself now. How tragic that a young life with so much promise is wiped out. Worse yet, if his eternity is not with His Creator. He was created for a purpose; did he accomplish it? And if not, what defense can he offer when he stands before God for eternity?

I have a daughter the same age as his little girl; how devastated she would be to lose her Daddy. How terrible it would be for me to explain it to her and to carry on without my husband. Yet, I have hope. I know where my husband would spend his eternity, and because of that, there is still joy. Devastating loss, but only for a time. And then eternal glory...he would be waiting for his family to join him.

But this young star? A bright promise of Hollywood...a good boy by their standards...where does he wait? And for what purpose? What did he accomplish outside of earthly wealth and stardom? What good were his 3 luxurious homes? His blossoming career? I don’t know. I didn’t know him. He spent his last months making a macabre movie; playing a part which, in all likelihood, contributed to his demise. Honored by those who worked with him, for the way he threw all of himself into the part...I have to wonder...was it worth it? For what? For the art of entertainment? For an award that might have been won? (Yet even if it is, he will not be here to claim it--how temporal are the things of earth!) And what will that bring in eternity? I imagine that his answers now, to these questions, are much different than his answers might have been when he walked among us on this old earth. And therein lies a grave reality. For he cannot change anything now.

His family appears to grieve deeply, as would my family, if we lost one of my younger brothers. A sad predicament, a tragedy that will repeat itself again and again in Hollywood. Who reaches these people who have it all? They ignore their eternity as they build homes and treasures and fame here on earth. Life on earth is but a vapor. They have it all; money, power, all anyone could want...and is for nothing. Meaningless. Even their work; largely without purpose, aside from entertainment. And where is the eternal value in entertainment?

A tragedy. For his daughter, for those who knew him and loved him. And for he, himself. He has run out of chances. He lived his last day on earth, alone, sleeping. He had no idea that he would never wake from that last slumber. And now he is in his eternity, whatever it is. His soul is forever at rest, or forever in agony.

A somber reminder to me. We never know when our last day will be. But what will we leave behind when that last day comes? Am I ready to meet my Maker? Could my eternity begin today? What would be said of me...empty praises or something of value? Without fame or fortune, I would be a mere sidenote in the obituaries. And yet, my concern is with my eternity; what have I done that will matter to Our Lord? Am I fulfilling His purpose for my life in every day that He gives me? I pray so...and resolve to try again tomorrow.

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