Sunday, August 21, 2011

Ohhh, the joys...

...of taking a shower without interruption, without knocking on the bathroom door, or yelling outside of the door!    Today, I stayed home with our youngest (1) while my husband and other children headed to church.  He has been sleeping poorly, due to a huge molar breaking through--and--a plethora of mosquito bites disturbing his naps and night times.  He is highly allergic to mosquitoes, it appears, and so his bites swell up into huge welts of itchy irritation, and they take several days to heal up.  And he must have sweet blood, because if he is outdoors for any time at all, he comes back in with numerous bites.  But I am not a huge fan of spraying tons of chemical on little deal.  And today, that meant he would need an early nap (grumpy bear that he is this morning!) so Mama stayed home.

But, that means a quiet house...a moment to blog...time to clean up a few piles of this-n-that, watch a couple of Food Network recordings...or whatever!  Time to reflect, to pray, to read my adjust my poor attitude, to frame positive thinking for the week ahead, to be grateful for the many everyday blessings of life.

I hate missing church, but when it happens, I enjoy the quiet.  And a shower without interruption :)


Debi said...

Yay for a shower....haven't had mine yet!! Is there a way to follow yor blog...or only subscribe?

MidnightMom said...

Hey Debi,
You should be able to click on "follow by email" which is just above my post history, or, you can subscribe through a reader. I will look at other options too, and see if I can add anything else. :)

Debi said...

Ok, now I see the google reader follow tab...did you just add it? Or was it already there and I just missed it?? I'm so glad, now I can see all the blogs I follow in one spot! Thanks!!! Looking forward to more awesome posts!