Saturday, June 30, 2007

Been awhile...

Well! I haven't visited my beloved "private" blog in far too long. And for good reason; shortly after my last post, I became incredibly ill for a couple of months. Ill with a new baby, that is! Yup, come December, we will (with God's grace) welcome baby #4 into our household. My first trimester of pregnancy is ALWAYS a total wipeout in which I seek mainly to survive. I did--thanks to my patient kids, my helpful (in crisis!!) husband, and Our Gracious God.

Now...I'm entering trimester 2, and feeling some of my energy return. Of course, that cuppa joe--or tea--helps. And honestly, I'm up to about 2 cups each morning. LOL.

While no one actually READS this blog--or at least, no one that I'm aware of--my intent is, to keep up with this blog periodically; for my self, as well as for anyone who happens by! As well, to be able to share some thoughts I may not share on my other blog which is read by many folks I "know" (family included!). I desire to be the same person to all, but, reality is that it is often easier to open up to strangers--and sometimes innermost thoughts are too private for folks you actually KNOW to read. How's that for irony? Then there's always the pressure to be "who I am"--even though I may be changing, morphing, etc. Anyway, here's a link to my other blog, where I am more frequently found:

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