Jane. Oh, how I adore her books-turned-into-movies! And frankly, I've only read parts of the books themselves. Yet, I want to read.them.all! I want to be part of a "Jane Austen Book Club"...given the time period in which Jane lived and wrote, her books are quite incredible. Scandalously exposing hidden rules of etiquette...showing society's rather unflattering tendencies towards extreme discrimination of all kinds...and yet the romance woven through her stories makes one wonder what her own heart held dear. "Becoming Jane" was an enjoyable movie, casting light on Jane, herself.
Amazingly, her books remain relevant...the parallels between my culture and hers may be closer than I would think...the elements of culture may not be so changed as I might assume. A woman's heart may be a deep ocean of secrets (Titanic), and at the same time, the secrets may be shared by all of us who call ourselves "female"--and proudly so!
Ahhhhh. Austen inspires me to read. To explore. To head off to Starbucks for a monthly "book club" meeting, with the current read in hand. Except...that...I'm not actually "in" a book club. One can wish. :)