I am reading a book entitled Sabbath Keeping; Finding Freedom in the Rhythms of Rest by Lynne Baab. It is a relatively short book, but interestingly written. I hope to find inspiration for observing Sabbath in our lives and home. Sure, we already have “Sundays”…but sometimes, Sundays offer harried mornings as we get ourselves and 4 kids ready for church. We have responsibilities to do at church, and then we rush home with hungry children. I’ve made some strides towards observance, in that, we are generally eating at home now, around our own table. We try to keep the day restful and free of errand-running. Sunday evenings have become a sort of “date night” for my husband and I, as we put children to bed and relax with a favorite hour-long crime drama on TV. Sometimes, we order take-out, just for us. Other times, we pop popcorn to munch on. Yet, we do not enter the week as recharged as I wish…I often find myself doing laundry Sunday afternoons, for instance. My husband’s work schedule requires that he work one Sunday a month as well, and his weekly schedule varies every week. So we must be creative when finding a Sabbath Day (and by that, I mean, a day or rest) whenever it may be.
As a child, I looked forward to church every week, but did not enjoy Sunday afternoon naps. The house was “too” quiet. Sunday night church did not generally include children’s classes, and so I often wished I could simply stay home. Simply put, I never cared much for Sundays. Sometimes, my Dad went into work…it seemed he worked 7 days a week, and so I wondered what the point of observing the Ten Commandments was, when we could pick and choose which ones to keep! As a young wife, I hated Sundays because I quickly grew tired of the routine we feel into; we did not choose a church together, initially, but rather attended the church my husband grew up in. This caused great strain over time, because we needed to break free and cut apron strings, so to speak. Eventually we did, and Sundays became a day I looked forward to! Sometimes, the day was dull, but it was generally restful, at least. I wish that I had worked more fervently at creating a Sabbath in our home BEFORE we added 4 children to the mix!
When visiting the rural community my Grandma lived in, I always loved attending her small, country church. Many of its members were family, which was fun…and we were given fruity cereal in Dixie cups, for snack time in Sunday School. I didn’t enjoy listening to the sermon, but Grandma often had gum in her purse and that helped for awhile. After church, we would run and play in the church yard, and many times, there would be a covered dish lunch to enjoy. Those farm ladies sure knew how to cook! Those lunches carried special memories over the years, affecting my senses, as I grew. The many wonderful tastes, the smells of food in that multi-purpose room, the sounds of ladies working together in the kitchen, of laughing, the murmur of voices mingled together in various conversations. The sight of long tables set side by side, and filled with church members and family members, all gathering to share a meal. Even today, I appreciate the tiny congregation we worship with, partly because, we have a monthly meal together. An old-fashioned covered-dish lunch! It is that nostalgic feeling I wish to preserve, not only on that 3rd Sunday for the shared meal, but also for each Sunday, when our family gathers around our own table in our home.
The obstacles to creating a Sabbath will be simply “choosing” a time for our family, and deciding “what” Sabbath means to us. What will we do--or not do? How will I prepare for a day of rest, while managing all my other responsibilities in the home? How will I rest when those responsibilities continue, even on our Sabbath? Yet, even as I mull these questions, I recognize the need for rest in the rhythm of our life. We do not live a harried life, rushing here and there, to and from activities. We eat as a family regularly, although there are hectic periods at my husband’s employment, which do not allow the relaxed evenings we both prefer. Still, we need (I need) a day of rest. I need a day not to do laundry, and to do minimal kitchen work. We need a day to recharge, a day to set aside for our family, our children. Time to read or play, that we, as parents, are not pulled elsewhere. Difficult though, because in one sense, it is those very things that we may need a rest from! As a home schooling Mom, I am with my children all day every day. But, on the Sabbath, I’d like that presence to be different. To be lighter, to enjoy my kids rather than barking orders, or managing time, overseeing studies, etc. I read this book to develop my own ideas, but also to draw inspiration from the author’s ideas and experiences, as we work to create a Sabbath Day to keep in our home.
I hope to create stronger family bonds through observing a Sabbath, and I hope to teach my children this concept of weekly rest, as they grow. I hope to build in a weekly time of simply enjoying one another, free from the constraints of time, deadlines, work, and so on, that the weekly routine holds.
Welcome to a place called home--in writing. As my home has many rooms, this blog may contain many topics, randomly written--probably at midnight. So curl up in a quilt with your cup of tea or mug of coffee, and stay awhile.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Place Theory--and not the musical kind
Heavenly. A cup of Dark Chocolate Peanut M&Ms. Must be the most amazing candy ever invented. I love M&Ms. Who doesn't? I wish I could be more original. And, ohhhh, a cup of Earl Gray tea. Iced, this time. Had it hot this morning. I use good quality, whole leaves and so it can be re-infused a 2nd time. :)
So back to place theory; I have recently begun reading a (yet another!) book. This one is entitled For the Family's Sake (The Value of Home in Everyone's Life) by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay. Susan is the daughter of Francis and Edith Schaeffer of "L'Abri Fellowship" in Switzerland.
In building her case for home, and the need of such a place, (whether married, single, with children or without and so on), Susan speaks of the transient life resulting from merely "living together" (for a couple) as opposed to marrying. She states that without an initial commitment (marriage), the outcome of a couple's future remains uncertain and therefore, there cannot be lasting stability. Hmmmm, might explain the sad state of so many broken homes and "lost" children in America today.
One of my favorite quotes about home, is by Ellis Peters, and repeated by Susan in her book. "This is where I put my feet up and thank God" (referring, of course, to home). Ellis was single her entire life and dearly enjoyed travel, but referred to the exotic and delightful cities she visited as "...Sunday treats to be visited, marveled at, enjoyed, and remembered...graces to ornament and vary the basic stability of a weekday life...". A brilliant perspective and a good case for "home" base necessity, even for those who love to travel!
Susan makes the case for "home" being more than a geographical place, but also that they should be "part of a community". The Norman Rockwell life, so to speak. Community offers belonging; it offers security and fellowship. Contrast that, to the life of a refugee, who is geographically displaced, but often displaced from community as well. As I read, my thoughts wandered to the lives and community of early Christians. Perhaps this was a reason that the early Church was to be as brothers and sisters in Christ; as one Body; a Community together. They may have been geographically displaced, or at times, separated, yet to remain ONE BODY regardless offered belonging, and community. That would be another entire study on its own, but clearly, our Creator knew our need for Community, just as He knew our need for Home.
We have that same need today, yet it seems that perhaps few churches offer community in its truest sense. It would be increasingly difficult to maintain community in a mega church; but even outside of that, even in the context of a smaller church, we must look at our lives. Are we intertwined with other Believers? Do we have unity and fellowship with them? Depend on them and they on us? Or are we merely Sunday morning spectators? Then, we leave the building free to live and pursue our "own" lives.
Finally, within the first few chapters, Susan also reminds us that in order to be rooted and bear fruit, we must accept limitations. In choosing stability, we may relinquish other choices. We must commit to "home". To "here I stay". We will have failures and setbacks; we must choose to stay. Of course, ultimately, we must choose to stay grounded first and foremost, in Jesus. He must be the foundation for our family tree; the foundation for our home. In times of weakness, we can call on Him and He will be our strength, our refuge.
So back to place theory; I have recently begun reading a (yet another!) book. This one is entitled For the Family's Sake (The Value of Home in Everyone's Life) by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay. Susan is the daughter of Francis and Edith Schaeffer of "L'Abri Fellowship" in Switzerland.
In building her case for home, and the need of such a place, (whether married, single, with children or without and so on), Susan speaks of the transient life resulting from merely "living together" (for a couple) as opposed to marrying. She states that without an initial commitment (marriage), the outcome of a couple's future remains uncertain and therefore, there cannot be lasting stability. Hmmmm, might explain the sad state of so many broken homes and "lost" children in America today.
One of my favorite quotes about home, is by Ellis Peters, and repeated by Susan in her book. "This is where I put my feet up and thank God" (referring, of course, to home). Ellis was single her entire life and dearly enjoyed travel, but referred to the exotic and delightful cities she visited as "...Sunday treats to be visited, marveled at, enjoyed, and remembered...graces to ornament and vary the basic stability of a weekday life...". A brilliant perspective and a good case for "home" base necessity, even for those who love to travel!
Susan makes the case for "home" being more than a geographical place, but also that they should be "part of a community". The Norman Rockwell life, so to speak. Community offers belonging; it offers security and fellowship. Contrast that, to the life of a refugee, who is geographically displaced, but often displaced from community as well. As I read, my thoughts wandered to the lives and community of early Christians. Perhaps this was a reason that the early Church was to be as brothers and sisters in Christ; as one Body; a Community together. They may have been geographically displaced, or at times, separated, yet to remain ONE BODY regardless offered belonging, and community. That would be another entire study on its own, but clearly, our Creator knew our need for Community, just as He knew our need for Home.
We have that same need today, yet it seems that perhaps few churches offer community in its truest sense. It would be increasingly difficult to maintain community in a mega church; but even outside of that, even in the context of a smaller church, we must look at our lives. Are we intertwined with other Believers? Do we have unity and fellowship with them? Depend on them and they on us? Or are we merely Sunday morning spectators? Then, we leave the building free to live and pursue our "own" lives.
Finally, within the first few chapters, Susan also reminds us that in order to be rooted and bear fruit, we must accept limitations. In choosing stability, we may relinquish other choices. We must commit to "home". To "here I stay". We will have failures and setbacks; we must choose to stay. Of course, ultimately, we must choose to stay grounded first and foremost, in Jesus. He must be the foundation for our family tree; the foundation for our home. In times of weakness, we can call on Him and He will be our strength, our refuge.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Periodically, I review our homeschooling materials and look over new options, to determine what will best fit our home and family. New stages in life bring about necessary changes! We aren't at a "new" stage per se, except that our once-newborn-baby-girl is now toddling around, chasing after her *big* sister (age 3), who in turn spends her day trying to be included with big brother (7) and big sister (10) activities!
We are following a schedule of chronological World History, on a rotation basis. This means that history is broken into time periods and we go through each period, then start over and do each one again. Basically, each child, then, will learn about each period a few times, age-appropriately, throughout schooling years. Our "spine" has always been books...books...and more books! And this has worked for us, adding in various Language Arts materials, using Math-U-See, and using various books and field guides for Nature Study (science) as well. But it is time-consuming to write my own lesson plans, and I'm not able to faithfully keep up on this. My oldest is heading towards middle school age, and I need to challenge her a bit more.
Enter "My Father's World"! I love their educational philosophy, and I've used many of their recommended resources over the years. Now it's time to purchase their teacher's manual and have those plans written for me. :) The company favors a Charlotte Mason education (living booksnarration, dictation, and so on) with a Christian worldview and they've written lessons with an emphasis on History, which uses a 5-year-rotation plan to chronologically study it. And lots of booksWhoo-hoooo! AND, I can have all my children studying Science, History/Geography, Bible together, adding individual Math and Language Arts.
I'm looking forward to starting this right away. We are jumping into their rotating cycle, right at the time period we're currently ready for (Ancient Rome). As soon as my materials/books arrive, we'll be set. I have a few additional supplies to pick up locally as well. It will offer me relief from the ever present burden of planning and/or not planning, so that I can just open my manual and GO. Freeing up my time and my brain for other aspects of my job; like laundry. And cooking. And menu planning. And being Mom. And sewing. And housework. Etc.
I ordered from Amazon and from Rainbow Resource Center to help my budget, when ordering the suggested books. MFW offers a package deal, but we already own some of the books, so it was better for us to order our needed resources separately.
We school year-round, which offers great flexibility for illness, for zoo days (or enjoying time at the park!), for errand days...for the life which inevitably happens when we school at home. We also have been taking off the months of May and December the past couple of years. I'm not certain if we will do that, or take off a week here and there throughout the year instead. Either way, we have some time to breathe. If we followed the public school scheduling, we'd really lose traction over the Summer, and it would be difficult to start back up and retain what we're learning. As well, I love having the freedom to enjoy beautiful days in the Spring, while everyone else is still IN school. And then in the heat of Summer, when we're indoors avoiding humidity and mosquitoes, we might as well be doing school...to free up some time for those gorgeous Fall days that will be coming when everyone else goes BACK to school!
I am so thankful to have many choices in our schooling materials, and even more grateful to God's faithfulness in leading me to options that work for my family, when I seek His guidance for our homeschool. Answers to prayer!
We are following a schedule of chronological World History, on a rotation basis. This means that history is broken into time periods and we go through each period, then start over and do each one again. Basically, each child, then, will learn about each period a few times, age-appropriately, throughout schooling years. Our "spine" has always been books...books...and more books! And this has worked for us, adding in various Language Arts materials, using Math-U-See, and using various books and field guides for Nature Study (science) as well. But it is time-consuming to write my own lesson plans, and I'm not able to faithfully keep up on this. My oldest is heading towards middle school age, and I need to challenge her a bit more.
Enter "My Father's World"! I love their educational philosophy, and I've used many of their recommended resources over the years. Now it's time to purchase their teacher's manual and have those plans written for me. :) The company favors a Charlotte Mason education (living booksnarration, dictation, and so on) with a Christian worldview and they've written lessons with an emphasis on History, which uses a 5-year-rotation plan to chronologically study it. And lots of booksWhoo-hoooo! AND, I can have all my children studying Science, History/Geography, Bible together, adding individual Math and Language Arts.
I'm looking forward to starting this right away. We are jumping into their rotating cycle, right at the time period we're currently ready for (Ancient Rome). As soon as my materials/books arrive, we'll be set. I have a few additional supplies to pick up locally as well. It will offer me relief from the ever present burden of planning and/or not planning, so that I can just open my manual and GO. Freeing up my time and my brain for other aspects of my job; like laundry. And cooking. And menu planning. And being Mom. And sewing. And housework. Etc.
I ordered from Amazon and from Rainbow Resource Center to help my budget, when ordering the suggested books. MFW offers a package deal, but we already own some of the books, so it was better for us to order our needed resources separately.
We school year-round, which offers great flexibility for illness, for zoo days (or enjoying time at the park!), for errand days...for the life which inevitably happens when we school at home. We also have been taking off the months of May and December the past couple of years. I'm not certain if we will do that, or take off a week here and there throughout the year instead. Either way, we have some time to breathe. If we followed the public school scheduling, we'd really lose traction over the Summer, and it would be difficult to start back up and retain what we're learning. As well, I love having the freedom to enjoy beautiful days in the Spring, while everyone else is still IN school. And then in the heat of Summer, when we're indoors avoiding humidity and mosquitoes, we might as well be doing school...to free up some time for those gorgeous Fall days that will be coming when everyone else goes BACK to school!
I am so thankful to have many choices in our schooling materials, and even more grateful to God's faithfulness in leading me to options that work for my family, when I seek His guidance for our homeschool. Answers to prayer!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Tea with Anne

"No, indeed! The rosebud tea set! Well, what next? You know I never use that except for the minister or the Aids. You'll put down the old brown tea set. But you can open the little yellow crock of cherry preserves. It's time it was being used anyhow--I believe it's beginning to work. And you can cut some fruit cake and have some of the cookies and snaps."
"I can just imagine myself sitting down at the head of the table and pouring out the tea," said Anne, shutting her eyes ecstatically. "And asking Diana if she takes sugar! I know she doesn't but of course I'll ask her just as if I didn't know. And then pressing her to take another piece of fruit cake and another helping of preserves. Oh, Marilla, it's a wonderful sensation just to think of it. Can I take her into the spare room to lay off her hat when she comes? And then into the parlor to sit?" ~from "Anne of Green Gables" by L.M. Montgomery
Can you imagine a time when “tea” mattered? When company was celebrated? A time when cupboards were accented with treasured preserves, cakes, and cookies, just waiting for tea with a special guest. I would love to visit “that time”. A place of beauty to be cherished, of joy in the simple moments, of life slow enough to stop for tea time…and Anne would be just the person to have tea with! Green Gables, just the place!
My oldest daughter is 10, and nearly old enough to enjoy the entire series of Anne books; my much-loved and oft-read paperbacks are waiting in a box; I look forward to passing them down. It is my hope that the magical stories so beautifully composed, will inspire imagination and a sense of “that time and place” for my daughter when she reads them one day.
I don’t live on Prince Edward Island…I don’t have a breathtaking farm like Green Gables. But I do have a tea set with roses on it! And I try to keep something freshly baked on hand, “just in case”. I have cherry preserves in the pantry, too! I believe it’s worth some effort, when possible, to be ready for impromptu tea parties with company. Anyone coming for tea? But when no one rings the bell, it is just as worthwhile to set the table with my beloved children and show them that, despite my impatience, my tone of voice, and whatever-else-I-might-have-failed-at-today…I love them, and they are worth taking time for tea and even using the fine china tea set.
Maybe that’s what I’ll do tomorrow, to brighten up our Monday. Make scones…and have tea.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Community online comes together for Cora!
If Cora McClenahan's story has touched you, consider helping build a memorial playground in her honor; you can donate directly--or--SHOP AT ETSY!! Lots of darling things so generously contributed by the Etsy community. Just click on the sidebar button.
If you want to support Cora's family by adding a button to your blog, go here. Believe me, if I can add the widget, so can you! :D
Please keep this sweet family in your prayers....
I am so amazed at the response the online community--bloggers and Etsy shopkeepers--have had for Cora's family. Even the number of comments on their blog shows a multitude of prayers supporting them right now, and carries a few other tragic stories that brave Mamas shared, in an effort to bond with Cora's Mama during this time. It truly is an example of "bearing one another's burdens" and of lifting our brothers and sisters in the Lord up...this is what the Church should be about. Love.
If you want to support Cora's family by adding a button to your blog, go here. Believe me, if I can add the widget, so can you! :D
Please keep this sweet family in your prayers....
I am so amazed at the response the online community--bloggers and Etsy shopkeepers--have had for Cora's family. Even the number of comments on their blog shows a multitude of prayers supporting them right now, and carries a few other tragic stories that brave Mamas shared, in an effort to bond with Cora's Mama during this time. It truly is an example of "bearing one another's burdens" and of lifting our brothers and sisters in the Lord up...this is what the Church should be about. Love.
Friday, February 13, 2009
"But the angel said to her 'Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God.'" Luke 1:30
Wow. What an amazing statement...who among us, wouldn't like to find favor with God? Yet, what did that favor bestow upon her? She carried, birthed, nursed, and loved Our Savior, Jesus the Christ. Those were the good years, full of special memories, undoubtedly. In fact, after the visit from the shepherds and angels following Jesus' birth, Luke 2:19 tells us that "Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." She didn't make a scrapbook full of pretty papers and stickers and photographs, as so many of us do today...but you can bet she had a scrapbook in her heart.
I wonder, though, how special and favored Mary felt, years later, as she watched crowds love and accept Jesus, and then turn on him? As Jewish leaders ridiculed him? And then, finally, as she watched her precious son--whom she had cradled in her arms, followed around as a toddler, and proudly watched as he grew--be crucified...a horrible, vicious death? How many of us would desire that end for our children? How many of us could stand by and watch our children tortured in such a manner? See him or her betrayed, sold, and killed for that which has not yet been fulfilled? Talk about faith! I remember the scenes in Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" movie, in which Mary weeps silently, watching her son and her Lord be crucified...then she mops up his precious blood...and followed the crowds to where he hung, uncovered and alone, on a Cross. At that moment, I realized what it meant, for Mary to have found favor in God's eyes.
Yet now, a couple thousand years later, Mary is praised often, for her service to God. For being the blessed Mother of Jesus. Her willingness to be used of God required an immense sacrifice, and through that sacrifice, God saved all of mankind. We are redeemed by Jesus' blood; blood that flowed from her veins to Our Christ's. But it was, for all its glory, a harsh reality for a Mother to face.
I wonder, what would I do, if God required such a sacrifice of me? How favored would I feel? Now, in a moment when my world is right, it is easy to say that I desire to be used for His glory. Sure...that whole eternal perspective thing. Whatever God desires. Because, after all, I am His. All that He has given me, is His. My husband, my children. But then, I am a Mother. I have a Mother's heart. Could I give up one of my precious children? Or all of them, as some have, for the sake of bringing glory to God?
It is easy to desire glory for God, when all is well. But can it be well with my soul, in the midst of a storm? In the darkness that has no light? I watch, in total amazement and admiration, as others are forced to choose Christ, even when He finds favor with them, and thereby chooses to use them for His glory...and that often calls for a great, great sacrifice. Pain I can't imagine. They are living through such a trial right now. I pray I would have such courage, in the midst of such tragedy....
My Grandmother Black used to tell my mother, growing up, that God gives us our ticket when it's time to ride the train. My Mother taught the phrase to me, and the hard way, I learned its meaning time and time again. We do not have the grace to walk where others walk...God gives us the grace to walk the path He sets before us. And He gives us that grace when we need it, and not before. I can look at tragedy and think "I couldn't live through that..." and maybe I couldn't. But if God calls me to, then I must walk in faith and accept the grace He gives me, when He gives it to me, so that I will be found faithful.
Some things make no sense, they have no answers this side of heaven. But we do not see the future, and we do not know the reasons for God's choices. We do not see what He sees. It is great peace, then, to know and trust the One who can indeed see the past, present, and future. He alone knows what will bring glory to His Name, and what will be best for us. These lessons sometimes come at a great price. As does His favor. Yet for He Who has given all, what else could we do? For He Who owns all, what else could we give, but ourselves and our lives?
Please keep praying for the McClenahan's. And for their close friends and family; this loss of little Cora is felt keenly by all, and she leaves a hole in the lives of all who knew and loved her, in addition to her own young parents. Even now, days later, this family and their great ache remains on my heart and in my prayers. It is unforgettable, this story. And it happens to many, across the country, I know. Precious babies in Heaven.
Wow. What an amazing statement...who among us, wouldn't like to find favor with God? Yet, what did that favor bestow upon her? She carried, birthed, nursed, and loved Our Savior, Jesus the Christ. Those were the good years, full of special memories, undoubtedly. In fact, after the visit from the shepherds and angels following Jesus' birth, Luke 2:19 tells us that "Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." She didn't make a scrapbook full of pretty papers and stickers and photographs, as so many of us do today...but you can bet she had a scrapbook in her heart.
I wonder, though, how special and favored Mary felt, years later, as she watched crowds love and accept Jesus, and then turn on him? As Jewish leaders ridiculed him? And then, finally, as she watched her precious son--whom she had cradled in her arms, followed around as a toddler, and proudly watched as he grew--be crucified...a horrible, vicious death? How many of us would desire that end for our children? How many of us could stand by and watch our children tortured in such a manner? See him or her betrayed, sold, and killed for that which has not yet been fulfilled? Talk about faith! I remember the scenes in Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" movie, in which Mary weeps silently, watching her son and her Lord be crucified...then she mops up his precious blood...and followed the crowds to where he hung, uncovered and alone, on a Cross. At that moment, I realized what it meant, for Mary to have found favor in God's eyes.
Yet now, a couple thousand years later, Mary is praised often, for her service to God. For being the blessed Mother of Jesus. Her willingness to be used of God required an immense sacrifice, and through that sacrifice, God saved all of mankind. We are redeemed by Jesus' blood; blood that flowed from her veins to Our Christ's. But it was, for all its glory, a harsh reality for a Mother to face.
I wonder, what would I do, if God required such a sacrifice of me? How favored would I feel? Now, in a moment when my world is right, it is easy to say that I desire to be used for His glory. Sure...that whole eternal perspective thing. Whatever God desires. Because, after all, I am His. All that He has given me, is His. My husband, my children. But then, I am a Mother. I have a Mother's heart. Could I give up one of my precious children? Or all of them, as some have, for the sake of bringing glory to God?
It is easy to desire glory for God, when all is well. But can it be well with my soul, in the midst of a storm? In the darkness that has no light? I watch, in total amazement and admiration, as others are forced to choose Christ, even when He finds favor with them, and thereby chooses to use them for His glory...and that often calls for a great, great sacrifice. Pain I can't imagine. They are living through such a trial right now. I pray I would have such courage, in the midst of such tragedy....
My Grandmother Black used to tell my mother, growing up, that God gives us our ticket when it's time to ride the train. My Mother taught the phrase to me, and the hard way, I learned its meaning time and time again. We do not have the grace to walk where others walk...God gives us the grace to walk the path He sets before us. And He gives us that grace when we need it, and not before. I can look at tragedy and think "I couldn't live through that..." and maybe I couldn't. But if God calls me to, then I must walk in faith and accept the grace He gives me, when He gives it to me, so that I will be found faithful.
Some things make no sense, they have no answers this side of heaven. But we do not see the future, and we do not know the reasons for God's choices. We do not see what He sees. It is great peace, then, to know and trust the One who can indeed see the past, present, and future. He alone knows what will bring glory to His Name, and what will be best for us. These lessons sometimes come at a great price. As does His favor. Yet for He Who has given all, what else could we do? For He Who owns all, what else could we give, but ourselves and our lives?
Please keep praying for the McClenahan's. And for their close friends and family; this loss of little Cora is felt keenly by all, and she leaves a hole in the lives of all who knew and loved her, in addition to her own young parents. Even now, days later, this family and their great ache remains on my heart and in my prayers. It is unforgettable, this story. And it happens to many, across the country, I know. Precious babies in Heaven.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
On my mind this week
Sometimes, my weeks get reaaalllllllllly long. Usually this happens when my husband is working longer-than-usual hours :) We homeschool, and simply being at home, all day, with 4 children, can get challenging. As if the housework, laundry, cooking, and school weren't enough, there is the individual personalities, the behavior issues that pop up, the attitudes needing checked, the chores to supervise...and that's just when everyone has slept reasonably well...the normal stuff!
I find that I regularly pray for more patience because I know I need it. More than ever! I desire to be a Mom who can remain in control when situations feel out-of-control. I desire to keep an atmosphere of peace in our home, a place where we can be nourished physically, mentally, and spiritually. The last year and a half or so, has brought our family some new challenges as children change and grow and mature, and, the addition of our precious baby, now one. Also a change of direction (and therefore, a new company) for my husband's career, and adding our son to the homeschooling roster.
And then I read about Cora, here: http://themcclenahans.blogspot.com. My only connection, is that her Grandfather was a favorite teacher and I graduated from the same high school as Cora's Dad (but many years prior!). It's a small, Christian, rural high school, located in a tiny town, kind out in the middle of nowhere. Many families have multiple generations who attend there, and there's a camaraderie among alumni. So, anyway, Cora's story touched my heart deeply. As a Mother, how could I not be touched? To read about an 11-month-old who goes to the Doctor for an ear infection, but instead, stage 4 neuroblastoma (cancer) is discovered. And about 2 weeks later, after multiple surgeries she bravely battled, her fight on earth is over. She is now cancer free, but in Heaven. What a hole she must leave in her young parents' life and home! Cora was a beautifuly, chubby baby, on the verge of her 1st birthday...her smile is contagious, her eyes sparkly...I have no doubt that this baby lit up her little world. There are no words of wisdom, no comfort I can offer...but this story has kept me in prayer throughout my days lately. Even now, I pray for her grieving family, marveling at their unshaken faith in our Lord, even in such a tragic trial. I pray that God will restore to them the joy that only He can give...I pray that God surrounds them with His own presence, and that of friends who will carry them through these dark days.
And I pray for our home. I pray that I can be the Mother He desires me to be. I thank Him for the health He has thus-far blessed us with. I hold my baby, only 3 months older than little Cora, and I thank God that she is here. I kiss her again and again, I watch her toddle around, cheering her on, and painfully aware of the blessing such moments are. For somewhere, not too far away, a mother is now longing for such simple moments.
While we must live our lives, while my life moves on...I pray that I will remember life is sacred. Life is precious. These moments cannot be taken for granted; we do not know at what point they will end. Baby Cora's first Christmas was also her last...and yet no one would ever have guessed. She won't walk here on earth, she won't celebrate her first birthday with her parents. Sometimes, a life ends with a suddeness that takes my breath away. I am thankful she is in Heaven with Jesus, hopefully playing with other children, their innocence eternally preserved. I am certain that angels hold her hands...sometimes handing her to Mothers or Grandmothers who have also left behind that which they held dear on earth.
I ache for a young Mother I've never met. I pray for their home, now unbearably quiet. And I treasure my daily moments a little bit more. I hold my baby a little bit tighter. And I thank God a few more times.
I find that I regularly pray for more patience because I know I need it. More than ever! I desire to be a Mom who can remain in control when situations feel out-of-control. I desire to keep an atmosphere of peace in our home, a place where we can be nourished physically, mentally, and spiritually. The last year and a half or so, has brought our family some new challenges as children change and grow and mature, and, the addition of our precious baby, now one. Also a change of direction (and therefore, a new company) for my husband's career, and adding our son to the homeschooling roster.
And then I read about Cora, here: http://themcclenahans.blogspot.com. My only connection, is that her Grandfather was a favorite teacher and I graduated from the same high school as Cora's Dad (but many years prior!). It's a small, Christian, rural high school, located in a tiny town, kind out in the middle of nowhere. Many families have multiple generations who attend there, and there's a camaraderie among alumni. So, anyway, Cora's story touched my heart deeply. As a Mother, how could I not be touched? To read about an 11-month-old who goes to the Doctor for an ear infection, but instead, stage 4 neuroblastoma (cancer) is discovered. And about 2 weeks later, after multiple surgeries she bravely battled, her fight on earth is over. She is now cancer free, but in Heaven. What a hole she must leave in her young parents' life and home! Cora was a beautifuly, chubby baby, on the verge of her 1st birthday...her smile is contagious, her eyes sparkly...I have no doubt that this baby lit up her little world. There are no words of wisdom, no comfort I can offer...but this story has kept me in prayer throughout my days lately. Even now, I pray for her grieving family, marveling at their unshaken faith in our Lord, even in such a tragic trial. I pray that God will restore to them the joy that only He can give...I pray that God surrounds them with His own presence, and that of friends who will carry them through these dark days.
And I pray for our home. I pray that I can be the Mother He desires me to be. I thank Him for the health He has thus-far blessed us with. I hold my baby, only 3 months older than little Cora, and I thank God that she is here. I kiss her again and again, I watch her toddle around, cheering her on, and painfully aware of the blessing such moments are. For somewhere, not too far away, a mother is now longing for such simple moments.
While we must live our lives, while my life moves on...I pray that I will remember life is sacred. Life is precious. These moments cannot be taken for granted; we do not know at what point they will end. Baby Cora's first Christmas was also her last...and yet no one would ever have guessed. She won't walk here on earth, she won't celebrate her first birthday with her parents. Sometimes, a life ends with a suddeness that takes my breath away. I am thankful she is in Heaven with Jesus, hopefully playing with other children, their innocence eternally preserved. I am certain that angels hold her hands...sometimes handing her to Mothers or Grandmothers who have also left behind that which they held dear on earth.
I ache for a young Mother I've never met. I pray for their home, now unbearably quiet. And I treasure my daily moments a little bit more. I hold my baby a little bit tighter. And I thank God a few more times.
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