Something has been on my mind for the past several months. Of course, I’m not the only one; after all, “Earth Day” has just recently passed, right? Yep, I’m talking about “Green Living”.
Now, I grew up on a farm; we had animals of various kinds, my Dad planted an annual garden (which we kids had to pick) and my Mom canned and canned. My Dad frequented auctions on weekends, and eventually acquired the equipment to plow his fields for a hobby of sorts, and maybe a bit of cash. (He had a career elsewhere). And so, the ideas of growing one’s own food, of storing food for the “coming shortage” are not new to me. Living in the country enabled us to burn our own trash, to recycle rainwater, and to compost.
But as an adult, all of this went out the window, as I live in the city, and, truth be known, I wasn’t interested. Until more recently. We have a home and a yard, but no garden (yet; I remain hopeful for the future, but I do not yet have time needed to devote to it!). I cannot keep typical farm animals (I’d love chickens, though). Over the last few months, though, I’ve come to realize that “green living” should not simply be a political soapbox; it is our responsibility to take care of God’s earth. We should be cautious as we use our natural resources, and take care not to be wasteful. We should be wise and frugal with our resources of time and money as well.
I will be sharing some of the baby steps I’ve taken later on, but for now, here are a couple of wonderful posts about the steps others have taken. Neither of these ladies are extreme; they simply started one day. With one thing. And then another. Both are farther along in their journeys towards green, sustainable living, than I am. And some ideas they have are not ideas I can implement. But these are worthy of consideration, and worthy of a few moments’ time....
down---to---earth: Revolution at the kitchen sink
Tea & Cookies: Making A Green Home