Today I’ve been thinking about stocking up our freezer. I spent some time planning and stocking before our baby was’s time to do it again! There were several occasions that I thought “Yea! I’m so glad I have _____ in the freezer!” It will be good to build an inventory back up a bit. Copperswife inspired me, as she recently wrote about restocking her freezer. And she offered a link to Filling My Freezer , a brand new blog, for additional hints and ideas. Yippeee!! Looks like I’m not on my own in this endeavor.
I started by juicing those lemons I mentioned a few days ago; for the lemon bars! Well, in addition to baking a square pan of lemon bars, I also measured out the proper amount for 2 more pans and froze these portions, labeled, for another day. The rest of the juice will be used to make lemon curd (oh, so nice with hot tea in the Spring!) and then the curd may also be frozen.
I already have cookie dough frozen in ziploc bags, then stored in a labeled container. Next will be organizing my deep freezer and my side-by-side freezer, so that I can inventory what I already have on hand, and add to my shopping list that which I need. THEN, it will be time to consider recipes and/or ingredients to have on hand, and begin to cook/bake accordingly.
Anyone else joining in on the freezer fun?